MECCA, the Mercer Cross Country Association

4686 N Fierick Rd, PO Box 76, Mercer Wi 54547

MECCA Cross-Country Ski, Snowshoe, Hiking, and Mountain Bike Trails – The MECCA trails offer 21 km of groomed trails for skiing both classical (diagonal stride) & freestyle (skate) skiing. The trails wind through the stately pines, black spruce & tamarack wetlands, and hardwood forest in Mercer and are suitable for beginning through advanced skiers. There are beautiful vistas around the Little Turtle River and Flowage. The trails are on properties owned by the Wisconsin DNR, Iron County Forest, Town of Mercer and private land.   There are snowshoe trails that can be accessed from both trailheads. The club maintains a heated chalet and vault toilet at the trailhead at 4686N Fierick Road (take US 51 to Beachway Drive and follow the skier signs). The second trailhead parking lot is on Joe’s Shack Road (take US 51 to FF to Popko Circle East to Joe’s Shack Rd) More information including trail conditions can be found at 

MECCA (Mercer Cross Country Association) is a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization, donations are appreciated, labor comes from volunteer members.

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