Fe University and Wisconsin’s Green Fire present – Climate Change: Causes, Effects, Solutions
Many people are uncertain about how climate change will affect Wisconsin and what they should be doing to slow the change and adapt to new conditions. Please join Fe University as we study the latest research with two Wisconsin Green Fire scientists.
In collaboration with Wisconsin Green Fire, Fe University presents the course, Climate Change: Causes, Effects, Solutions Tuesdays, March 19th and 26th, from 9:00 Am to noon in the Mercer Community Center, 2648 W. Margaret St, Mercer. Two scientists who have worked extensively on this topic will teach the course: Nancy Turyk, water resource scientist, and Mike Meyer, former DNR wildlife scientist.
In this course students will learn about climate change effects on life in the Midwest and Wisconsin. Options for reducing the rate of climate change and adaptation to changes will be presented. In session 1 on March 19th, Ms Turyk will provide background on climate change including how we know there are man-made influences and why there are increased storm events. She will also present options to reduce the extent of temperature alterations. In Session 2, March 26th, Meyer will explore the projected impacts on Northwoods wildlife, forestry and water and management strategies to lessen the impact.
Nancy Turyk is an emeritus Water Resource Scientist and Outreach Specialist. For more than a decade she has participated in climate change related discussions, research, outreach and course development. She is on the Wisconsin Green Fire’s Climate Change workgroup, represents the North American Lake Management Society on a federal climate change and freshwater workgroup, conducts outreach with community groups, and is assisting a Wisconsin community with climate adaptation.
Mike Meyer served 25 years as a wildlife research scientist with the Wisconsin DNR in Rhinelander. Mike’s research focused on lake shore habitat restoration, wildlife toxicology, and climate change impacts on Wisconsin wildlife. Mike served as co-chair of the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts wildlife working group and currently serves as co-chair of Wisconsin’s Green Fire Climate Change working group. Mike currently owns NOVA Ecological Services, offering wildlife research and lake management consulting services in the Northwoods.
Because of the importance of this topic, Fe University offers students a one-time reduced fee of $15 for the 2 sessions. For more information on the course and for registration information, visit www.feuniversity.org. Download and print a registration form or pick one up at the Mercer Library or the University of Wisconsin Iron County Extension office at the Hurley courthouse. You may leave completed forms at the above locations or mail them to Fe University, PO Box 63, Hurley WI 54534. For more information, call 715-476-2881 or 715-561-3098.
Fe University is a non-accredited, non-profit “college” for seniors based in Iron County and open to anyone over 18. Other courses offered this winter and spring include Causes of the American Civil War, Owls of the Northwoods, The Reality of Immigration Today, Researching and Documenting the Flambeau Trail and Turtle Portage, Poetry Workshop, Sign Language, Where Two Worlds Meet: Lac du Flambeau.
Wisconsin’s Green Fire is a state-wide organization supporting the conservation legacy of Wisconsin by promoting science-based management of the state’s natural resources. For more information visit http://wigreenfire.org