Fe University offers Ceramics for Beginners
Something new for Fe University will be a Ceramics class offered in September at Mercer School. Mercer art teacher, Craig Griffin, will teach the class, Ceramics for Beginners, in six, 90-minute sessions Mondays and Thursdays, September 10-27, from 4:00 to 5:30.
In the six sessions students will learn three fundamental techniques for working with clay: coils, pinch and slab methods. Following an introduction to tools, techniques and processes, students will create three clay projects using the three methods–a mug built of coils, a multi-purpose bowl utilizing the pinch technique, and a flat dish made from rolling slabs of clay. Students will display their works at an art show with cake and coffee. Since this is a beginner level class, no experience working with clay is necessary.
Craig Griffin is a teacher, illustrator, writer, cook and baseball coach. After working for the better part of the last decade in Chicago painting murals with underprivileged youth, he moved north to return to Mercer and teach art. Craig unearthed a passion for clay he didn’t know existed this past year and is excited to explore it more in this ceramics class.
Please visit the website, www.feuniversity.org for more details about this class and for registration information, (use a web browser other than Google Chrome), or call 715-476-2881 or 715-561-3098. The fee for the ceramics class is $35 with a $5 discount if registration is received by August 27th. Information about scholarships is on the registration form. You may download forms from the website or pick them up at the Mercer Library or the UW Extension office in the Hurley courthouse. Drop off completed registrations at the same locations or mail them to Fe University, PO Box 63, Hurley, WI 54534. Register early as space is limited.
Fe University is a non-accredited “college” for seniors based in Iron County. Though class schedules and topics are targeted to seniors, anyone is welcome. Fe University began in 2014, became a non-profit corporation in 2017 and to date has offered 40 classes on a wide variety of topics at different Iron County locations. You need not be an Iron County resident to register. Besides the ceramics class, Fe classes offered this fall include Where Two Worlds Meet: Lac du Flambeau, Spanish History and Culture, and A Study of the Holocaust.