Fe University presents: Nurturing The Creative Spirit – CANCELLED
2648 Margaret St.
thor Callie Bates to teach Fe University class in creativity for everyone
Creative expression takes many forms depending on the individual creating. Whether the medium is art, writing, music, building or whatever, the creative spirit exists in everyone. A class presented by Fe University, Nurturing the Creative Spirit, is an invitation to open up to your creativity. Mercer novelist, Callie Bates, will lead participants on a path toward discovering their creativity and bringing their creative ideas to fruition. Join Callie for four Tuesdays, March 31 through April 21st from 10 AM to noon at the Mercer Library, 2648 Margaret St., Mercer.
Through fun, engaging exercises and discussion, the class will explore what it means to bring creative ideas into manifestation, for each of us individually. There will be no critique of individual work; rather, the class will focus on developing a safe space and an action plan to cultivate creative expression. Students will learn to express themselves through journaling, movement, writing and reading poetry, spending time in nature, and listening and responding to music.
This class is open to everyone, from “beginner” to experienced creative, with a desire to explore what creativity means to them. Students should wear comfortable clothing, bring a notebook, and art supplies for anyone interested in drawing or painting. There will be optional reflections and action steps to complete between sessions.
Callie Bates has been making creative expression her business pretty much since birth. She’s the author of the Waking Land trilogy of fantasy novels, and her essays and short stories have appeared in print and online. In addition to writing, she’s a musician and certified harp therapist, and an occasional artist.
For more complete details on this course and on Fe University, visit www.feuniversity.org or call 715-561-3098 or 715-476-2881. The fee for Nurturing the Creative Spirit is $35 minus $5 if registration is received by March 17. Registration and Paypal payments can be done on the website, or if you prefer to pay by cash or check, download and print a form or pick one up at the Mercer Library or the Iron County UW Extension office in Hurley. Drop off completed forms at the same locations or mail them to Fe University, PO Box 63, Hurley, WI 54534. To register you may
Fe University is a non-accredited, non-profit “college” for seniors open to anyone over 18. Other classes offered this winter and spring are The Background to the Vietnam War; Swans, Waterfowl and Shorebirds; CCC Camp Mercer; birding hikes, and Native American Literature.