Fe University presents: Repairing the Harm: The Root of Restorative Justice – Mercer Library
2648 W Margaret St
The field of Restorative Justice emerged during the late 1970’s in response to historically high incarceration rates around the world. This community-based approach to justice involves everyone affected in the particular harm caused. Through discussion among all stakeholders, appropriate accountability and available resources for ensuring positive future outcomes are determined. The method has been successful in juvenile justice and as an alternative to suspension or expulsion from schools.
Fe University is pleased to present the class Repairing the Harm: The Root of Restorative Justice, to be taught by certified Restorative Justice practitioner and instructor, Dr. Jane Nicholson. The class will be held at the Mercer Library, 2648 Margaret St., Mercer, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Jan. 14, 16, 21, 23 from 1:00-5:00 PM.
In the 16 hours of discussion the class will explore Restorative Justice theory and practices, its history, and its roots. Important ideas for reflection and discussion include: what is a just society, community/civic justice, justice/injustice, violence/non-violence, and conflict/conflict resolution. Restorative community building through discussion will be the structure of the class. Class notes will be provided following each meeting. The instructor will also provide a full complement of optional readings. Upon completion of this class, any students wishing to pursue full certification should consult the instructor.
Dr. Jane Nicholson is a native-born Wisconsinite and a graduate of UW-Madison. She completed her Ph.D. in Comparative Literature at the University of Iowa and has also taught and directed Women’s Studies programs. She “retired” early to pursue accreditation in and application of Restorative Justice during the last twenty years. Jane has worked in public schools, neighborhood nonprofits, and university classrooms (DePaul, Governors State) to bring a different vision of justice across society from our public spaces to our schools to the criminal justice system.
For a more detailed description of the course content and the credentials of the instructor, please visit www.feuniversity.org or for information about Fe University, call 715-561-3098 or 715-562-0315.
To introduce students to the concept of Restorative Justice, Fe U offers this class at a special rate of $30 minus $5 early bird discount if registration is received by December 31. This fee is less than half the normal Fe U rate for a 16 hour class. Register early, as space is limited. Registration forms may be downloaded from the website or picked up at the Mercer Library or the Iron County UW Extension Office in Hurley. Completed forms may be dropped off at those locations or mailed to Fe University, PO Box 63, Hurley, WI 54534.
Fe University is a non-accredited, non-profit “college” for seniors and open to anyone over 18. Other classes offered this winter include Furbearers of Wisconsin: diversity, trapping & management; Cross Country Skiing; The Making and Unmaking of the United Kingdom, History of the Vietnam War; The Rise and Fall of Slavery in America. Watch for publicity on these and other upcoming Fe U classes.