Intro to Watercolor Painting
$45.00 – Adults & Teens
All materials included.
No experience necessary.
Bring a bag lunch.
Dress for fun mess!
LOLA’s resident artist, Wendy Powalisz is back to teach with this popular class. Join her for a foray into the magic of working with watercolors. Learn all the very basics of transparent watercolor painting. From the foundational washes, to fun techniques that use a variety of tools, students will gain confidence and learn to appreciate this expressive medium.
Students will learn about watercolor paper & paints, wet & wet techniques, dry brushing, hard & soft edges, brush strokes and some surprising techniques using household items. A “sampler” of watercolor techniques will be created.
If you always wanted to try out watercolors, but don’t know where or how to start, this is your class!
Deadline for registration/payment: August 10