Knowledge at Noon: Life Under the Ice in Manitowish Waters

February 5, 2025 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Manitowish Waters Public Library
Bring a bag lunch to your favorite Northwoods libraries for a one-hour nature presentation. Our naturalists will share insights on various nature topics. All ages welcome!

While some critters spend winter under the ice fast asleep, there are many other things happening below!  Join Naturalists Licia and Jenna to learn about this unique space and all about the life under the ice!  Program will be held at the library in Manitowish Waters.

Free program.  Registration is not required, but encouraged.  Light snacks will be provided by the library but feel free to bring a snack/lunch to enjoy during the program! Great for all ages! Wednesday 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm.