Old Growth Hikes with John Bates Series: Price County – Tucker Lake Hemlocks SNA/RNA
Meet John Bates at this beautiful site on an informative old growth hike. Tucker Lake Hemlocks occur within the 3,600-acre Round Lake Semi-Primitive Non-Motorized Area, which contains the origin and upper reaches of the South Fork of the Flambeau River. The restored Round Lake Logging Dam is located where the river leaves Round Lake, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. We will walk at a moderate pace, stopping often to look at different plants and birds that interest us. Total hike distance will be about 4 miles. Some stamina is required given the length of the hike. Registered participants will receive an email with directions along with what to bring (fee required to park). Pre-register by 7/7. Limited space available. $45/person.