Winter Birds of the Northwoods – Mercer Library
2648 Margaret Street
The Northwoods region is known for its harsh winters, with heavy snow, freezing temperatures and lack of sunlight. However, despite these conditions a number of bird species call this frozen landscape home. Fe University presents the class, Winter Birds of the Northwoods, to be held Tuesday and Wednesday, November 12 and 13, 2019. Class on the 12th will take place from 1:00-3:00 PM at the Mercer Library, 2648 Margaret St., Mercer. The Wednesday class will be a field trip from 1:00-4:00 PM at a location to be determined. The class will be taught by Annie McDonnell of the North Lakeland Discovery Center.
In the classroom session, November 12th, we will discuss the winter bird species of the Northwoods and their unique adaptations that enable their survival. We will also discuss how landowners can provide quality forage, cover for birds, and improve habitat for birds in the Northwoods. On the second day we will go for a 3-hour field trip hike to observe birds in their natural habitat and expand our identification skills. Please be prepared for walking in winter conditions at a slow to moderate pace on uneven terrain for up to two miles. Dress for the weather including footwear, and bring binoculars.
Annie McDonnell is the Naturalist & Volunteer Coordinator at North Lakeland Discovery Center for the past 2 years. She earned degrees in Biology and Wildlife Ecology from Montana State University in Bozeman, after which she spent 5 years researching grassland songbirds, waterfowl, and owls throughout Montana, Idaho, and North Dakota. Annie has been involved in the Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas and owl surveys for 4 years. Annie is an avid hiker, mountain biker, kayaker, skier, and birdwatcher. Winter Birds of the Northwoods is the second class Annie has taught for Fe University.
The fee for this class is $25. Scholarships are available. Class size is limited, so register early. Forms may be downloaded from the website, or picked up at the Mercer Library or the Iron County UW Extension Office in Hurley. Completed forms may be dropped off at those locations or mailed to Fe University, PO Box 63, Hurley, WI 54534. For more information on this or other Fe U classes, call 715-561-3098 or 715-476-2881.
Fe University is a non profit, non accredited “college” based in Iron County, targeting seniors over 50 but open to anyone over 18. The Story of Reconstruction class is also offered in November and December in Hurley.